About Me

I was born and  raised in a very small town in Eastern Kentucky. I have a huge family and cherish the moments I get to spend with them. I met my husband in September 2005 and we have been inseparable since. I don't have kids but I do have a fur baby named Ace and he owns my heart. I dream of going overseas one day to places like Africa or Italy and capturing some amazing shots. I love reading, spring, flip flops and french vanilla on a cold morning. 
I have always dabbled in photography from time to time, but what truly inspired me to become a photographer was when my two grandfathers passed away in 2009. My grandpa Walter was a master fishermen who loved big cookouts with his family and my grandpa Granville was an amazing carpenter who couldn't read or write but had the answers to everything.  Two of the best men in this entire world but I had hardly any photos to remember them by. So after a lot of thought and disposable cameras, I finally made the leap and bought my first real "professional" camera. My goal was to capture great moments so one day when I was old and gray, I could look back and see all these wonderful photos I had taken and remember days gone by. I started taking tons of photos of my family, nature, and other various objects until one day I seen a friend of mine on Facebook was looking for a someone to do her maternity pictures. Luckily enough I got the gig and booked my very first session, at that moment is when Ashley Hylton Photography became truly alive. 

I believe everyone needs photographs to remember cherished moments and days lost in time. Photographs are more than just a snap shot on paper, they are memories, moments of happiness, joy, love, and laughter. I feel they can show our personalities and what makes each and everyone of us truly beautiful and unique.

Photography is what I do, it's what I love. 

Much Love,

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